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To develop what you believe is a terrific idea for a video g

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To develop what you believe is a terrific idea for a video game, you lease 50,000 square feet in an office building from Commercial Property, LLC, under a written five-year lease. Your goal is to put the game on the market within two years. Several months into the term, a competitor unexpectedly releases a new game title featuring play that would make your game appear to be a poorly crafted imitation.

Can you assign the lease to another party? Explain.

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To develop what you believe is a terrific idea for a video game, you lease 50,000 square feet in an office building from Commercial Property, LLC, under a written five-year lease. Your goal is to put the game on the market within two years. Several months into the term, a competitor unexpectedly releases a new game title featuring play that would make your game appear to be a poorly crafted imitation.

Can you assign the lease to another party? Explain.

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The person who signed the lease is under obligation to abide by the terms of the lease. The lease can be assigned to another party as long as there is no disclosure in the ...

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