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Journalize the transactions for Vickers Company.

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The following transactions were made by Vickers Company. Assume all investments are short-term and are readily marketable.

June 2 Purchased 300 shares of Boswell Corporation common stock for $30 per share.
July 1 Purchased 200 Kane Corporation bonds for $210,000.
30 Received a cash dividend of $2 per share from Boswell Corporation.
Sept. 15 Sold 90 shares of Boswell Corporation stock for $35 per share.
Dec. 31 Received semiannual interest check for $10,500 from Kane Corporation.
31 Received a cash dividend of $2 per share from Boswell Corporation.

Journalize the transactions

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This solution is comprised of a journal entries for the transactions of Vickers Company. The answer is provided in a Word document.

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See the attached Word document for a formatted version of the solution.

June 2 Purchased 300 shares of Boswell Corporation common stock for $30 per share.

June 2 Investment in Boswell Corporation stock 9,000
Cash 9,000
July 1 Purchased 200 Kane ...

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