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Hi-Line Equipment Company (overhead costs, journal entries and materials inventory account)

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1. The raw materials used by a manufacturing company are properly
classified as an inventory asset until what point in time?
a. The date on which the invoice for the materials is paid..
b. The date on which the completed final products containing the
materials is sold to the customer.
c. The date on which the materials are first used in production.
d. The date on which the final product is completed.
2. Which of the following is a period cost?
a. Direct materials
b. Sales commissions
c. Direct Labor
d. Factory rent
3. The accountant for Hi-Line Equipment Company recently made a
journal entry consisting of a debit to Work in Process and a credit to
Materials Inventory. This entry recorded:
a. The use of raw materials in the production process.
b. Payment for raw materials..
c. The return of unused materials to inventory.
d. The receipt of raw materials from the company's supplier.
4. At year-end, the Materials Inventory account normally has a:
a. Debit balance, representing direct materials on hand and
available for use.
b. Credit balance, representing the amount owed to suppliers of
the materials.
c. Zero balance, because the cost of all direct materials is charged
to work in process at year-end.
d. Zero, because the Materials Inventory account is closed at yearend.
5. Overhead costs are assigned to production using an overhead
application rate, whereas no such "application rate" is used to assign
the costs of direct materials and direct labor to production. The
reason for this difference in procedures is that:
a. Overhead is an indirect cost which cannot be traced easily and
directly to specific units of product.
b. Overhead is always larger in dollar amount than either direct
materials or direct labor.
c. The amounts of direct material and direct labor applicable to
each unit of production cannot be determined as easily as the
amount of overhead.
d. Overhead is always equal to a constant percentage of direct
labor costs.

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You will find the answer to these puzzling questions inside.

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1) a. It becomes an asset when you make the purchase.

2) d. It is an expense over a ...

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