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Current Inventory Cost Basis adjusted for inflation using the CPI

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A total of 80,000 units were sold during the first quarter. The current cost per unit was $2.10 on December 31, 2000 and $2.40 on March 31, 2001
Use the current cost basis, compute the first quarter of 2001

1. Ending Inventory
2. Cost of Goods Sold

Items Units Price per unit Cost Price index
Beginning Inventory 20,000 $2.10 $42,000.00
Jan 25,000 $2.20 $55,000.00 1.020142 $56,107.81
Feb 30,000 $2.25 $67,500.00 1.014134 $68,454.05
Mar 20,000 $2.35 $47,000.00 1.005841 $47,274.53
Total Units 95,000 $171,836.38
minus Units Sold 80,000
Ending Inventory 15,000 $2.40 $36,000.00

1. Ending Inventory is 15, 000 Units @ current cost of $2.40 a unit = $36,000

2. COGS is Beginning Inventory + Purchases - Ending Inventory so 42,000 + 171,836.38 -36,000= $177,836.38

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Currently inventory cost basis adjusted for inflation using the CPI are examined.

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Company uses historical cost basis. Its uses the periodic system and the FIFO inventory method. On January 1, 2001 the inventory consisted
of 20,000 units at $2 a unit. During the first quarter of 2001, the following purchases were made:

Date Units Actual Cost
Jan 17 25,000 55,000
Feb 13 30,000 67,500
Mar 20 20,000 47,000

A total of 80,000 units were sold during the first quarter. The current cost per unit ...

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