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Globalization, Technology, or Workforce

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Identify an industry that is dealing with or has dealt with change in one of the following areas:

Workforce downsizing, outsourcing, etc.

Summarize the type of change that occurred. Why did it come about? How was it dealt with? Was it managed successfully? Why or why not? What challenges in this area remain?

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The solution assists in identifying an industry that is dealing with or has dealt with change in one of the following: globalization, technology or workforce.

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1. Summarize the type of change that occurred. Why did it come about? How was it dealt with? Was it managed successfully? Why or why not? What challenges in this area remain?

Retail Industry.

In the first quarter of 2001, Sears, Roebuck & Co., reported serious downsizing. It the second largest department store chain in the United States, for example, reported the closing of 89 stores and lay-off of 2,400 employees (EFE World News Service, May 7, 2001, business.highbeam.com/.../sears-close-stores-and-downsize-employees).

This large retail company operated 860 department stores and 2,100 specialty retail locations. Although the downsizing process would cost over $100 million, they reported that it was necessary based on the company's falling sales. In fact, this downsizing and closures was ...

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