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Preparing And Using Financial Statements

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The assets and liabilities of Y Service Inc. as of December 31, 2008, and revenue and expenses for the year ended December 31, 2008 are listed below: Senden

Accounts Payable


Property tax expense


Accounts Receivable


Rent expense


Advertising expense


Salary expense




Salary payable




Service Revenue




Share Capital


Interest expense






Note Payable


Beginning Retained Earnings were $50,000 and dividends totalled $50,000 for the year.


a. Prepare the Income Statement for the year ended December 31, 2008
b. Prepare the Statement of Retained Earnings for the year
c. Prepare the Balance Sheet at December 31, 2008
d. Based on the financial statements prepared, answer the following questions:

1. Was Y Service Inc. profitable during 2008? If so by how much?

2. Did Retained Earnings increase or decrease? What is the amount of the change?

3. Which is the greater total, liabilities or total equity? Who owns more of the company's assets, the creditors or the shareholders?

Question 2

a. If you could pick a single source of cash for your business, what would it be? Why?

b. How can a business earn large profits but have a small balance in Retained Earnings?

c. How can a business lose money for many years and still have plenty cash?

d. Give two reasons why a business can be profitable for many years and still have a cash shortage?

e. Suppose your business has $80,000 worth of liabilities that must be paid within the next three months. Your liquid (can be turned into cash quickly) assets total only $60,000, your sales and collections from customers are slow. Identify two ways to finance the remaining $20,000 you will need, so you can pay all of the liabilities when they are due.

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Solution Summary

Using an Excel spreadsheet, this solution illustrates how to prepare a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of retained earnings using a list of accounts. It also answers these questions:

a. If you could pick a single source of cash for your business, what would it be? Why?

b. How can a business earn large profits but have a small balance in Retained Earnings?

c. How can a business lose money for many years and still have plenty cash?

d. Give two reasons why a business can be profitable for many years and still have a cash shortage?

e. Suppose your business has $80,000 worth of liabilities that must be paid within the next three months. Your liquid (can be turned into cash quickly) assets total only $60,000, your sales and collections from customers are slow. Identify two ways to finance the remaining $20,000 you will need, so you can pay all of the liabilities when they are due.

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You did not state whether Supplies was an inventory item (i.e., an asset) or an expense. Because you did not specify, I listed it as an asset. If it is an ...

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