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Balance Sheet for Mallard Incorporated (MI)

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Determining Financial Statement Effects of Various Transactions

Mallard Incorporated (MI) is a small manufacturing company that makes model trains to sell to toy stores. It has a small service department that repairs customers' trains for a fee. The company has been in business for five years. At the end of the most recent year, 2005, the accounting records reflected total assets of $500,000 and total liabilities of $200,000. During the current year, 2006, the following summarized events occurred:

a. Issued additional shares of stock for $100,000 cash.

b. Borrowed $120,000 cash from the bank and signed a 10-year note.

c. Built an addition on the factory for $200,000 and paid cash to the contractor.

d. Purchased equipment for the new addition for $30,000, paying $3,000 in cash and signing a note due in six months for the balance.

e. Returned a $3,000 piece of equipment, from d, because it proved to be defective; received a reduction of the note payable.

f. Purchased a delivery truck (equipment) for $10,000; paid $5,000 cash and signed a nine month note for the remainder.

g. At the end of 2006, lent $2,000 cash to the company president, Jennifer Mallard, who signed a note due in one year.

h. A stockholder sold $5,000 of his capital stock in Mallard Incorporated to his neighbor.


1. Complete the spreadsheet that follows, using plus (_) for increases and minus (_) for
decreases for each account. The first transaction is used as an example.
Assets _ Liabilities _ Stockholders' Equity

Cash Receivable Equipment Building Payable Capital Earnings
(a) _ 100,000 _ _100,000
2. Did you include event h in the spreadsheet? Why or why not?

3. Based on beginning balances plus the completed spreadsheet, provide the following amounts
(show computations):
a. Total assets at the end of the year.
b. Total liabilities at the end of the year.
c. Total stockholders' equity at the end of the year.

4. As of December 31, 2006, has the financing for MI's investment in assets primarily come from liabilities or stockholders' equity?

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Solution Summary

This solution shows the changes to cash, notes receivable, equipment, building, notes payable and share capital. This solution provides the details for amounts in assets, liabilities and shareholders equity including the opening and ending balances. This solution is provided in an attached Excel file.

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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