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Balance sheet by industry

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Please help me figure out how to match each of the attached 5 balance sheets to the following industries:

Electric utility
Japanese trading company
Aerospace manufacturer
Automobile manufacturer
Supermarket chain

Please tell me what numbers to look for, and why, to determine the industry. I know it's subjective, but this is just for me to get a general understanding of the differences between the industries and how they are reflected on the balance sheets. Thank you.

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Solution Summary

This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation to figure out how to match each of the attached 5 balance sheets to the following industries:

Electric utility
Japanese trading company
Aerospace manufacturer
Automobile manufacturer
Supermarket chain

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Electric utility
Japanese trading company
Aerospace manufacturer
Automobile manufacturer
Supermarket chain

Please tell me what numbers to look for, and why, to determine the industry. I know it's subjective, but this is just for me to get a general understanding of the differences between the industries and how they are reflected on the balance sheets. Thank you.

First, I will look at the inventory turnover. As Aerospace is not something that people can afford to buy, only large government organization will deal with the ...

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