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Tesca's Net Present Value

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1) Please read the attached case and help answer the 8 questions.

2) Please help with this by providing:
A report broken down into the following sections:

- Summary results and recommendations—up front, concise, and to the point.
- Answers to the 8 questions asked—a minimum of a page to each, with individual headings
- Attached exhibits which are readable and understandable)
- Spreadsheet showing your derivation of
o Operating Cash Flows
o Incremental Cash Flows, including investment and salvage
o Warranty costs
o NPV, IRR, Profitability Index, and Payback Period
o Scenario and Sensitivity
o Any other supporting exhibits you feel are relevant

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Solution Summary

The solution attached a word report and 2 excel spreadsheets of calculations as required to profile the Tesca Company as specified in the question.

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