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Financial Information for Dell Inc.

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Following is the financial information for Dell Inc.
2005 2004
Revenue $49,205 $41,444
Net Incomes 3,043 2,645
Total Assets 23,215 19,311
Shareholder's Equity 6,485 6,280
Cash Flow From Operations 5,310 3,670
Basic Earnings per Share 1.21 1.03
Book Value Per Share 2.61 2.46
Closing Stock Price 33.44 23.86

18. What is Dell's Profit margin for 2004?
A) 6.27%
B) 6.18%
C) 6.38%
D) 6.86%

19. What is Dell's Profit margin for 2005?
A) 6.27%
B) 6.18%
C) 6.38%
D) 6.86%

20. What is Dells P/E ratio for 2005?
A) 27.63
B) 12.81
C) 23.65
D) 9.70

21. What is Dell's Assets Turnover for 2005?
A) 2.12
B) 3.58
C) 3.65
D) 2.31

22. Given the following information, calculate the inventory turnover for ABC Co. for 2005
(Pick the closest number).
(Thousands of $)
2005 2004
Sales $19,535 $15,470
Cost of Goods Sold $15,101 $11,184
Inventory $ 2,708 $2,180

A) 8.96
B) 7.22
C) 6.93
D) 6.18

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Solution Summary

This solution is comprised of a detailed explanation and calculation to find Dell's profit margin, P/E ratio, assets turnover, and ABC's inventory turnover.

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18. What is Dell's Profit margin for 2004?
A) 6.27%
B) 6.18%
C) 6.38%
D) 6.86%

Answer: C

Profit margin = Net Income/Revenue
= 2,645/41,444
= 6.38%

19. What is Dell's Profit margin for 2005?
A) 6.27%
B) 6.18%
C) 6.38%
D) 6.86%

Answer: B

Profit margin = Net Income/Revenue
= 3,043/49,205
= 6.18%

20. What is ...

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