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Automobile Insurance: Liability and Coverage

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Bob Brown was recently involved in a minor auto accident. His car was hit from behind, and he, in turn, slammed into the car in front of him.

He would like someone to explain his coverage and show him where, in his auto policy, each of his losses might be covered. Help him out by doing that for each of the following items.

1. The cost of a medical checkup for his passenger, Ruth
2. The front and rear damage to his car
3. The damage to the car in front of him
4. The damage to the car behind him
5. The total amount of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage

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Solution Summary

Referring to the Bob Brown scenario concerning a minor auto accident, this solution explains his coverage, as listed in his auto policy booklet. The following items were identified and explained to Mr. Brown: (1) the cost of a medical checkup for his passenger, Ruth, (2) the front and rear damage to his car, (3) the damage to the car in front of him, (4) the damage to the car behind him, and (5) the total amount of liability protection for bodily harm and property damage.

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If someone hits you from behind, the accident is virtually always that driver's fault, regardless of the reason you stopped. A basic rule of the road requires that a driver be able to stop safely if a vehicle stops ahead of the driver. If the driver cannot stop, he is not driving as safely as the person in front of him. The other surefire part of rear-end accident claims is that the vehicle damage proves how the accident happened. If the other car's front end and your car's rear end are both damaged, there can be no doubt that you were struck from the rear. In some situations, both you and the car behind you will be hit when a third car runs into the car behind you and pushes it into the rear of your car. In that case, it is the driver of the third car who is at fault and against whose liability insurance you would file a claim. (http://www.nolo.com/printerfriendly.cfm/objectID/6B2EE6CB-05E3-4F51-A5CC59140D47D021/catID/CF015A63-6B69-4EED-A34B6F4035C8BE0E/104/263/FAQ/#6187BB9B-EC62-49D6-91B9EAB61D6229E6).

Basics no-fault Auto-insurance: Basic no-fault auto insurance includes personal injury protection (PIP), ...

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