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A Publicly Traded Company and Key Metrics and Ratios

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Your work at BM Company has paid off in many thousand of dollars of profit sharing to you this year. You know it is best to diversity your investment and not put it all back into your company through stocks. So, you decide to seek out additional publicly traded companies to invest in.

Choose a publicly traded company you are interested in learning more about from an investment standpoint. Identify key metrics and ratios of the company that will give a good indication of how "investment worthy" it is. List the key financial metrics and ratios for that company that you believe best represent its financial condition. Explain your reasoning as to why the metrics/ratios you have chosen are important. Review those metrics for that company. What is your initial evaluation of that company from the metrics you have chosen and the information publicly available?

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A publicly traded company is chosen and key metrics and ratios are discussed. The solution is detailed and well presented.

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I've attached a word document detailing my seleciton criteria for the stock and your possible investment ...

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