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Ellen Longbow is the chief financial officer (CFO) at a startup e-commerce firm that sells products popular with college students

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Ellen Longbow is the chief financial officer (CFO) at a startup e-commerce firm that sells products popular with college students. She has asked you to do some Internet research on three competing companies that permit credit-card purchases at their e-commerce sites. Create a table (or spreadsheet) that summarizes how each site handles the following issues:

(a) What information does each site require before permitting you to use a credit card?

(b) What steps must you go through to complete a transaction?

(c) What features do they incorporate to facilitate overcoming the limits of security, merchant risk, cost, etc.?

(d) How do they authenticate cardholder identities?

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Excel spreadsheet analysis and breakdown.

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Case of Kmart.com

Sebastian S. Kresge is the founder of Kmart and opened the first store in 1962. It has become one of the more successful discount chains in American history. Kmart's current customers include middle income families. The primary customer group is women between the ages of 24 and 45, with children at home, and with household incomes between $20,000 and $50,000 per year.
Kmart's ...

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