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Identify the legal, ethical and regulatory issues faced by healthcare providers on their eCommerce sites.

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Identify the legal, ethical and regulatory issues faced by healthcare providers on their eCommerce sites.

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Identify the legal, ethical and regulatory issues faced by healthcare Providers on their e commerce sites

E- Business
E-business is a strategy, which uses technology to achieve business goals. It is basically an evolution in the way companies interact. It provides information to facilitate delivery of goods and services and supports change initiatives and reinforce business process re-engineering. It improves external business relationship also.

There has been tremendous impact of e-Business on the typical businesses. The information is exchanged much more quickly than any other thing which is helping the organizations to make more quick and accurate decisions. E business has removed geographical and time restrictions for the organizations. It also helps in following:
? Recording and analyzing strategic management records : processing these strategic management records into industry trends reports, market share reports, mission statements, and portfolio models
? Use of all the above to implement and control the businesses. Thus internet environment is dynamic and growing and it is facing a lot of ethical, legal and regulatory issues. There may be many in future.
There are issues of diverse cultures and languages; legal and regulatory differences; localization, technology and infrastructure. Various options are available for end customers to switch loyalties. Hence the ...

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