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Ethical Behavior and Social Responsibility

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Think of a situation you have been involved in that tested your ethical behavior. For example, maybe your best friend forgot about a term paper due the next day and ask you if he could copy and hand in a paper you wrote for another instructor last semester.

1. What are your alternatives, and what are the consequences of each one?
2. Would it have been easier to resolve all the dilemma if you had asked yourself these three questions is it legal? Is it balanced? How will it make me feel about myself?

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Solution Summary

Referring to the scenario and through the use of an ethical inquiry model, this solution evaluates ethical behavior and social responsibility e.g evaluating alternatives and the consequences of each one and then using the three questions to evaluate the situation e.g. is it legal? Is it balanced? How will it make me feel about myself?

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Interesting question! Let us take a closer look through illustrative business scenario.


These questions are asking you to use an ethical decision-making model to analyze an ethical dilemma. Have you taken up specific ethical models in your course material? If so, perhaps you should consider using that model or one of them, if you took up more than one model. Or, do you ONLY use the three questions listed in #2?


The head of marketing thinks one of his subordinates spends too much time surfing the Internet. He asks you to monitor the employee's e-mail, URL stops and Web downloads, and wants the logs on his desk in a week. Do you:
a) Blindly obey and set up watch on the employee without his knowledge or permission?
b) Check the employee guidelines?
c) Ask the opinion of corporate counsel?
Thanks to the Internet, network professionals are running into ethical dilemmas like this with increasing frequency. Most of these ethical issues deal with perceived privacy rights, whether it is the privacy of employees, consumers or the corporation's intellectual property itself (http://www.networkworld.com/careers/2000/0529man.html).

1. What are your alternatives, and what are the consequences of each one?

a) Blindly obey and set up watch on the employee without his knowledge or permission?

You would probably be in good grace with the head of marketing for 'obeying' order. However, on the downside, you might also be breaking some privacy laws by invading the privacy of the employee's e-mails (legal issue). It would also ...

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