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Strategic Management and Business Policy

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1) What is the most important problem facing VISA?

2) What recommendation(s) would you make to VISA and in what order of priorities?

3) How do you balance between your commitment to shareholders and your commitment to the community?

302 words

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Strategic Management and Business Policy is discussed in great detail in this solution.

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1) What is the most important problem facing VISA?
The most important problem facing VISA is increasing competition. There are a number of small card companies and these offer terms that are far more attractive than those offered by VISA. Further, there are large new entrants that offer the same services that VISA does at much lower costs. These companies are reliable, trustworthy, and have access to the latest technology. The problem that VISA faces is that the scope for differentiation is very little, and the low cost of competitor operations does not allow it ...

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