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1. From anything you may have seen, read or heard - what REGION or regions of the US have been the most affected by this recession?

2. What industries in particular would you say have been severely affected?

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This solution addresses some of the consequences of recession in the United States by region and industry. References are provided.

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1. From anything you may have seen, read or heard - what REGION or regions of the US have been the most affected by this Recession?

The recession has hit hardest and will last the longest in manufacturing-heavy areas of the Midwest, including Ohio and Cleveland. For example, in one report, the Cleveland area's economic output (the value of all goods and services) has declined more than most metro areas' since its last peak in late 2004 (a Brookings Institution report). For example, greater Cleveland ranked 95th among the nation's largest 100 metropolitan areas in economic growth, with a 6.2 percent drop, according to the Brookings analysis of Moody's Economy.com data. (http://www.economy.com/default.asp) For example, jobs are expected to rebound in Ohio until the third quarter of 2010. Recession ...

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