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Minnesota's Unemployment Rate

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Locate a current (last 3 months) article on unemployment in a city, state, or nationally, or in a specific job classification. Briefly summarize the information in the article, and discuss the area of the economy (or GDP) that you think is causing the unemployment and why. What specific action by government (Federal, State or local) might reduce this unemployment?

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The unemployment situation in Minnesota is explained in a structured manner in this response. The answer includes references.

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The article is "Minnesota unemployment rate falls to 4.8%, lowest since December 2007" retrieved from http://www.startribune.com/business/232840591.html

The article is saying that 10,000 jobs were created by the manufacturing and health care industry. There is an unexpected increase in manufacturing job bringing down the state's unemployment rate to 4.8 percent which is the lowest level since the beginning of the recession. Minnesota has gained more than 50,000 jobs since October 2012. The ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc , University of Calcutta
  • MBA, Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management
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