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Management: Locally vs. Globally

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Managing globally has significant differences than managing locally, however leaders in multinational organizations must do both simultaneously and do it within the laws of each nation. You have taken on a client that is expanding into new international areas, doing business in Asia, the Middle East and potentially in South America. Each country has its own set of laws and the cultures are vastly different. You want to help them in preparing to work internationally. Prepare a draft presentation that addressing the following: Considerations an American based organization needs to take into account when working in multiple nations with vastly different employment laws. What current issues in these global locations may affect the success of an American based organization? In working in vastly different environments, how can the leaders of the organization keep current on the changes that the presence of the organization will bring to each location?

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One of the considerations an American-based organization needs to take into account when working in multiple nations with vastly different employment laws, is the fact that the minimum legal working age for individuals within that country may be lower than those in the US, which means that the organization may have more teenaged workers within those organizations in some foreign countries. This may mean that those individuals will need more supervision from managers due to their probable immaturity as compared to adult workers. Another ...

Solution provided by:
  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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