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Hiding information from board members

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Can someone please provide some assistance with a question. Its for an MBA course. It need to be between 350 and 450 words or so. Do you think there is a danger of hiding critical information in an attempt to simplify financial statement for ill-prepared board members? How so? What would be a good solution to that problem? Please see attached lecture notes for further information on how to better assist me with this question. Thank you so much for all your help. I don't want to confuse you with all the posts so just take one at a time. Just want you to have plenty of time to assist me on them. This post accurate deadline date is 10/20/15. I will continue to change the due date as the brainmass system allows me to, as it only allows me to schedule the due date 5 days out at a time. So I will continue to update it until it shows the accurate deadline (due) date which is 10/20/15.

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The reasons why information should not be hidden from board members, if it is financial and critical information.

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These are the ideas as I see them. Modify them and add to them as you need. There are accounting based issues as well including how such information is documented and presented in legally binding reports.

The best answer here is to not take on board members who are ill-prepared to work with the organization. Yes there is a danger because when people do not know or understand something, they tend to make mistakes in relation to what they do not know. Additionally, there can be a lot of wasted time in fixing any problems that occur and identifying how to keep it ...

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