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Supply Contract

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Supply Contract:

For a make-to-stock situation, the manufacturer incurs a fixed production cost of $20,000 and a variable cost of $60 per unit. The salvage value is $15 per unit.The market department has given the following expected demand distribution for the product:

Demand Probability
5,000 0.25
6,000 0.20
7,000 0.20
8,000 0.25
9,000 0.10

The retailer pays the manufacturer $100 per units, and sells to his own customers at $150 per unit.

a) If the manufacturer produces 6,000 units before the season, what will be the expected profits for the manufacturer and retailer respectively?

b) From the manufacturer's perspective, what is the optimal production quantity? Show the corresponding expected profit for the firm to support your results.

c) Suppose that you are hired as a supply chain consultant to suggest an alternative (perhaps an inventive from the retailer to the manufacturer) so that the manufacturer increases his production quantity from 6,000 to a larger number of your choice so that the expected profits of both the manufacturer and the retailer increase. What would you suggest? You MUST calculate the expected profits of the manufacturer and the retailer for the new production quantity. Choose your contract and the corresponding parameter.

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Solution Summary

A supply contract for make-to-stock-situation is examined. The market department for demand distributions of a product is discussed.

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For a make-to-stock situation, the manufacturer incurs a fixed production cost of $20,000 and a variable cost of $60 per unit. The salvage value is $15 per unit.

The market department has given the following expected demand distribution for the product: ...

Solution provided by:
  • B. Sc., University of Nigeria
  • M. Sc., London South Bank University
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  • "thank you Chidi Ngene.. if you have any APA references would be great"
  • "Thank you so much for your help, your explanations were easy to understand and apply!"
  • "are you able to highlight the equations used either on the xlsx or a word doc as to how each graph was formed- overall looks fine i just need help understanding this myself"
  • "Chidi Ngene, M. Sc. Was extremely helpful as without the help and guidance I would have failed, but with the help I passed. I still have a lot to learn and in need of the guidance to understand and learn more on the subject. I would recommend Chidi Ngene and BrainMass to anyone that are in need of help. Thank you!!"
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