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Jenkle Legal Services - Calculate after-tax cash flow

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In his first year as a partner with Jenkle Legal Services, Mr. Fallon received a $2,000 monthly guaranteed payment. His share of Jenkle's ordinary business income was $55,000. If his combined income and SE tax rate on his earned income is 30 percent, compute his after-tax cash flow from Jenkle assuming the following:

a. In addition to his guaranteed payments, Mr. Fallon received a $10,000 cash distribution
from Jenkle.

b. In addition to his guaranteed payments, he received a $50,000 cash distribution
from Jenkle.

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The solution examines Jenkle Legal Services guaranteed payment. The after-tax flow from Jenkle is computed.

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In his first year as a partner with Jenkle Legal Services, Mr. Fallon received a $2,000 monthly guaranteed payment.
His share of Jenkle's ordinary business income was $55,000. If his combined income and SE tax rate on his earned income is 30 ...

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