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Business Law

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What are some of the performance evaluation methods?
How can these methods be perceived as discriminatory?
How can employers ensure that their performance evaluation process is non-discriminatory?
What can employers do to help encourage fairness in performance evaluation?

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This solution provided some of the performance evaluation methods, use these methods that are percieved as discriminatory, employers ensure that their performance evaluation process is non-discriminatory, and how employers do to help encourage fairness in performance evaluation.

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Some performance evaluation methods are important when it comes to a work environment. These include noting a critical incident, using a weighted checklist, and a performance ranking method. All of these can easily become discriminatory. For example, when a person's behavior is positive or negative, the manager automatically writes it down. This does not give a person a fair chance to defend themselves if they handled it well or not, and is subject to bias. If they failed more than three times, then ...

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