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What is the holding period return of the bond the common stock and the mutual fund?

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The first investment is a bond which was purchased on May 10, 2005, and the purchase price was $20,000 the bond was later sold on May 12, 2005, the sales proceeds were $19,500. Interest on the bond from May 10, 2004 to May 12, 2005, was $2,100.

The second investment was Common stock which was purchased on December 16, 2004, at a cost of $106,000 and sold on December 18, 2005, the stock was sold for $86,456 and a total of $456.00 was received in dividends.

The final investment was a mutual fund which was purchased on January 1, 2004, at a cost of $8,000 and sold one year later with the proceeds being equal to $8,100 the dividends were $654.00 and the capital gains dividends were $1,000.

What is the holding period return of the bond the common stock and the mutual fund?

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Solution Summary

The solution shows the formulas and calculations to arrive at the correct answer.

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt
  • MBA, California State University, Sacramento
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