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One thing to keep in mind is that defined benefit plans are

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One thing to keep in mind is that defined benefit plans are far less used today that they were in years past. In fact, the article in the link below indicates defined benefit plans may be on the way out or at least severely reduced in the coming years.


What are your thoughts on this trend as an employee?

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One thing to keep in mind is that defined benefit plans are far less used today that they were in years past. In fact, the article in the link below indicates defined benefit plans may be on the way out or at least severely reduced in the coming years.


What are your thoughts on this trend as an employee?

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As an employee, any reduction in benefits to me that were promised by an employer would be unsettling. This has been in the news for the past decade -- plans have been severely underfunded. What is even more unsettling to me is that while the plans at some of the world's biggest companies are underfunded, their executives' salaries ...

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