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Economic, political, educational, family system of a country

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Briefly discuss the economic, political, educational, family, and marital systems of a country of your choice.

When doing business in the chosen country, what kind of social hierarchies and social interactions should you be aware of?
What kind of management style would you use to be most effective given the cultural attributes of the country?
How would you overcome the barriers to communication?
Do you agree with the saying, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" when it comes to doing business with another country?

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A discussion of the economic, political, educational, family, and marital systems of a country of your choice.

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Country - Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is a small Caribbean island that sustains itself through the sale of natural gas and petroleum and through its thriving tourism industry. Forty percent of the country's population is the descendants of African slaves, and another forty percent are the descendants of Indian indentured workers. The other twenty percent is a mix of Chinese, Syrians, and Whites. The government provides free Primary. Secondary, and Tertiary education to citizens, so more than eighty percent of the population has graduated from high school and about fifty percent of the population is university educated. ...

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