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Crucial Factors for Wegman's Supermarket Success

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Read the case-The Wegmanâ??s Way. What do you think is the key crucial factor that account for the Wegmanâ??s success? Would you suggest that other supermarkets should copy its way? Why?

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This solution addresses the question raised in a case study regarding Wegman's Supermarkets key crucial factor to success. It also addresses if other supermarkets could utilize this factor and be successful.

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The key crucial factor that accounts for Wegman's success is the family's commitment to its' employees. When Robert Wegman offered profit sharing and fully funded medical coverage he inspired employees to buy into the company. Next, he added training so that the employees would be educated about the nuances of the products which they sell. Hiring employees ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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