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Bonga Corp: company's overall net operating income

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The management of Bonga Corporation is considering dropping product D74F. Data from the company's accounting system appear below:

Sales $760,000
Variable expenses $480,000
Fixed manufacturing expenses $266,000
Fixed selling and administrative expenses $312,000

All fixed expenses of the company are fully allocated to products in the company's accounting system. Further investigation has revealed that $107,000 of the fixed manufacturing expenses and $97,000 of the fixed selling and administrative expenses are avoidable if product D74F is discontinued.
What would be the effect on the company's overall net operating income if product D74F were dropped?

Overall net operating income would increase by $76,000.
Overall net operating income would decrease by $76,000.
Overall net operating income would increase by $298,000.
Overall net operating income would decrease by $298,000.

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Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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