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Mexican trade laws, restrictions, taxes, ethics

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1. What are the Mexican taxes (trade laws) that would affect a business as a private company offering beef. And are there political barriers to trade?

2. Is there any legal laws that might affect this company's profit and what laws do we need to follow to do this business and how restricting are this laws for this company?

3. How will the taxes impact our business profit margin? And what ethical beliefs do Mexicans hold that will impact this business? What are their beliefs about farming in general and beef producs? Is it ethical in Mexico to us herbaicides on plants?

These questions are about a private company in Mexico offering beef, vegetables and fruits. this company will provide completely natural producs by not using any chemicals enhancement/hormones in our beef.

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The 942 word solution provides extensive discussion about each of the three questions.

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1. What are the Mexican taxes (trade laws) that would affect a business as a private company offering beef. And are there political barriers to trade?

The trade laws in Mexico are generally like a mirror of the trade laws in the United States. Mexico already has a policy of accepting only the same products from the United States that U.S accepts from Canada. The tariff rate on beef trade between the U.S. and Mexico has been zero since 1994. But, a very high tariff is currently imposed on a select number of U.S. companies exporting beef to Mexico. Mexico imposed antidumping duties on U.S. beef in April 2000. In addition, Mexico passed amendments to its antidumping and countervailing duty laws in December 2002. Exports to Mexico are far less than prior years because Mexico is currently accepting only boneless beef from animals less than 30 months of age and produced under an approved Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Beef Export Verification (BEV) program.

On January 1, 2001, as required by NAFTA Article 303, Mexico implemented limitations on the use of duty drawback and duty deferral programs. Therefore, the duties waived for non-NAFTA originating goods incorporated into products that are subsequently exported to the United States or Canada may not exceed the lesser of: (a) the total amount of customs duties paid or owed on the good initially imported; or (b) the total amount of customs duties paid to another NAFTA government on ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, Dokuz Eylul University
  • MBA, Texas A&M University-Kingsville
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