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Manx genotype

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Manx cats are distinctive because they do not have tails, their front legs are shorter than the rear legs, and they often travel by hopping. These traits are are controlled by a single gene. Manx cats are (heterozygous for a dominant allele that causes these traits).

Question#1: Explain what type of cross is required to prove Manx cats are heterozygous for the gene.

Suppose a manx cat mates with a normal long-tailed cat. According to Mendel's principles, half of the kittens would be Manx cats and half wuld be normal. In fact. this does happen. So far, so good.

Question #2 Construct a punnett square for this cross to prove the ratio of Manx kittens to normal kittens.

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Now, suppose two Manx cats mate. Mendel's priciples predict that three Manx kittens will be born for each normal kitten. However, the actual ratio of such a cross is two not three, Manx kittens for each normal kitten. Could it be that inheritance in Manx cats does follow Mendel's principles? You will be relieved to learn that inheritance in Manx cats does follow Mendel's principles.

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Solution Summary

Manx genotypes are considered. The type of cross required to prove Manx cats are heterozygous for the genes are given.

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OK, I'm assuming that you meant to say that Manx cats don't have tails.
So, if Manx cats are heterozygous for the tail trait - lets call the long tail "t" and the short tails "T" (they told you that the Manx gene is dominant and dominant genes are represented by ...

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