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Regression Analysis: AIU Job Satisfaction Data Base

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Hi, I need help with this assignment. I am using a different Dataset then what is in the solution library. My data set is 0903A.Xls.My school uses Turn it which is a similarity score and if it matches too high

The assignment mentions a DATA SET 903A which i have provided - I have attached this information. Thank you and please feel free to ask me any questions.Please show as much work as possible...I had a tutor showed me some formulas but our session was cut short due to tech problems on the tutor's end....

Unit 5
Deliverable lenghth3 pages
Book used is Bluman, Allen G.
Using Excel as your processing tool, work through three simple regression analyses.

1. First run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the INTRINSIC job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable. Create a graph with the trendline displayed. What is the least squares regression line equation? What are the slope and the y-intercept? What is the R-squared value?

2. Next, run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the EXTRINSIC job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable. Create a graph with the trendline displayed. What is the least squares regression line equation? What are the slope and the y-intercept? What is the R-squared value?

3. Next, run a regression analysis using the BENEFITS column of all data points in the AIU data set as the independent variable and the OVERALL job satisfaction column of all data points in the AIU data set as the dependent variable. Create a graph with the trendline displayed. What is the least squares regression line equation? What are the slope and the y-intercept? What is the R-squared value?

4. Finally, make very specific comments and give reasons regarding any similarities or differences in the output results. Which regression produces the strongest correlation coefficient result? Why?

Be sure to provide references in APA format for any resources you may use.

Both files have been attached

The assignment unit 5
The Data Set 903a.xls

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Solution Summary

The solution provides step by step method for the calculation of regression model for AIU job satisfaction data base. The graphs with trend lines are also included. Formula for the calculation and Interpretations of the results are also included.

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