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Report with measures of central tendency and variability

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The data set for our course is a sample of a survey conducted on the population of the American Intellectual Union (AIU). It is available via the following link: DataSet with DataSet Key which contains the following nine sections of data that will be used throughout our course:

(1) Gender (2) Age (3) Department (4) Position (5) Tenure (6) Overall Job Satisfaction (7) Intrinsic Job Satisfaction - Satisfaction with the actual performance of the job (8) Extrinsic Job Satisfaction- Things external to the job, e.g., office location, your work colleagues, your own office (cubicle/hard walled office, etc), and (9) Benefits - Health insurance, pension plan, vacation, sick days, etc.

American Intellectual Union (AIU) has assembled a team of researchers in the United States and around the world to study job satisfaction. Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in this massive global undertaking.

The study will require that you examine data, analyze the results, and share the results with groups of other researchers. Job Satisfaction is important to companies large and small and understanding it provides managers with insights into human behavior that can be used to strengthen the company's bottom line.

You will need to examine two of the nine sections of data, one section of qualitative data and one section of quantitative data, from the provided Unit 1 data set. Each section should include all data points. After analyzing your data, it will be necessary to write up a professional report. The requirements include providing the data you selected, discussing why the data was selected and what was learned by examining these sets of data. Your analysis should include using Excel to obtain information about the data through the use of three measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and the use of two measures of variability (standard deviation and variance). Some measures are appropriate for qualitative data and some are appropriate for quantitative data. If a measure is not applicable, then explain why. You will have to also provide 1 chart/graph for each of the results of the two processed sections of data (2 total), such as a pie or bar chart or a histogram. (A table is NOT a chart/graph.) Ensure that you label the chart/graph clearly. You will then need to discuss what you additionally learned from the results of this process. Explain why charts/graphs are important in conveying information in a visual format and why standard deviation and variation are important. Finally, you will need to combine all of the items above into one comprehensive report.

An Introduction
The data selected
Discussion (Why you selected your data and what you learned by examining your selected data set.)
The measures of central tendency and variability. (Copy and paste from your Excel process.)
The charts/graphs
Summary (what you learned and why the processes are important.)

(please note that all 29 observations for each variable selcted are to be used in the assignment)

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An Introduction

Here, describe the data set (i.e. it came from the AIU, it contains data used to study job satisfaction, the sample size is 29, there are 9 variables), state your goals for this paper (examine 2 of the 9 variable), and include anything else you think is relevant.

The Data Selected

You need to select one variable that is qualitative and one that is quantitative. I'm going to choose age (although age would normally be quantitative, here, each person is in one of 3 age categories, so this will be the qualitative variable - you can think of these as consisting of young, middle, and old categories if you like) and overall satisfaction (this will be the quantitative variable - the values range from 1 to 7). Each variable has 29 data points.

Discussion (Why you selected your data and what you learned by examining your selected data set.)

I selected age and overall satisfaction. Age was chosen as the qualitative variable and overall satisfaction was chosen as the quantitative variable.

The measures of central tendency ...

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