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Identification of Parametric and Nonparametic Data

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Please help me identify if each of the following situations "P" if it is an example of parametric data or "NP" if it is an example of nonparametric data.

1. In a comparison of two towns, is the average height of its residents the same? _____
2. A manufacturer produces a batch of memory chips (RAM) and measures the mean-time-between-failures (MTBF). The manufacturer then changes a manufacturing process and produces another batch and again measures the MTBF. Did the change to the process improve the MTBF? _____
3. The average life span of a dog is proportional to the amount of calcium consumed. _____
4. The correlation between gene disorders and certain diseases. _____
5. From a written survey where the respondents were asked to rate an individual on a scale of 1 to 5, one group rated an individual a 3.7, another group rated the individual a 4.3. Is the difference statistically significant? _____
6. A study of vehicle accidents on a military installation compared to drivers' rank. _____
7. Show that the numbers drawn in a state lottery are truly random. _____
8. There is a direct correlation to a student's grade and the student's rating of an instructor. _____

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The solution discusses whether the situations given are examples of parametric or non parametric data.

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1. In a comparison of two towns, is the average height of its residents the same? _____


Here the parameter average height is being estimated hence parametric.

2. A manufacturer produces a batch of memory chips (RAM) and measures the mean-time-between-failures (MTBF). The manufacturer then changes a manufacturing process and produces another batch and again measures the MTBF. Did the change to the process improve the MTBF? _____


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