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Do average calls per week differ from district to district?

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1. Using the data file TRX.XLS (attached), construct a 95% confidence interval for the average number of prescriptions written for Prilosec. Assume the distribution in normally distributed. There are 24 months to be averaged. Use Descriptive Statistics in Excel and be sure to check the appropriate options. If you can't see the output, mark the columns with your mouse and use the Format - Columns - Autofit option in the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. The value for constructing the confidence interval will be at the bottom of the output.

2. Using the data file NRX2.XLS (attached), test the hypothesis that the average number of prescriptions written monthly for Nexium is equal to that for Zomig. There are 24 months to be averaged. Use a level of significance of one percent (.01). Use t-test assuming equal variances in Excel Data Analysis.

3. The regional sales manager wants to know if the average calls per week differ from district to district. She randomly selects 18 sales representatives from 3 districts (listed below) to determine if there is a difference in the average number of calls per week made with respect to the district at the .05 level of significance? If appropriate, determine which districts differ from each other? Use the data below, enter it in Excel, and do a 1-way ANOVA using Excel Data Analysis.

22 40 15
31 35 9
19 47 14
27 41 11
25 39 21
18 33 5

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Solution Summary

Word and Excel files attached perform a 1-way ANOVA, t-test and finds the value for constructing the relevant confidence interval.

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