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Guardian Angel Assigned by God or heaven?

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Is there any mention in the Bible of us actually being assigned or given a guardian angel by God or heaven?

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This solution discusses if there is any mention in the Bible of us actually being assigned or given a guardian angel by God or heaven. It also examines several Christian theologians perspectives about the assignment of guardian angels.

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1. Is there any mention in the Bible of us actually being assigned or given a guardian angel by God or heaven?

This is a good question. Yes, the Bible teaches that God not only assigns but actually commands angels to care for us. Psalm 91:11 says, "For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways," while Hebrews 1:14 explains, "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" The Bible is filled with specific examples of angels guiding, helping, and protecting people.

So God does assign angels to watch over us. The Bible is definite about ...

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