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Counseling with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

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Some clients can be quite challenging no matter what theory you think might work optimally. Now considering the premises of the CBT theory, how would you approach the following case?

Trying to help a client sort out distorted thinking can be a straight forward process when the client is open and willing to change their thinking, but sometimes it doesn't always work the way you had hoped. How would you work with an elderly client who wanted to ramble on his racist viewpoints in every therapeutic encounter? You are younger, so your opinion doesn't matter and he says some quite offensive things. He refuses to entertain any of the rational beliefs that others in society ascribe to. He is there due to others' insistence and he thinks there is nothing wrong with him at all. He has also gone so far as to disown his own daughter, once she adopted an African American child at birth. He now hates her and a large part of what he vents about is her betrayal.

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In working with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and especially with the elderly population you must remember that these clients have their own ideas and at times the old adage 'you cannot teach old dogs new tricks'. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a theory that tries to change a "clients' maladaptive conceptions, interpretations, distortions, and conclusions are subject to scientific scrutiny and hypothesis testing in the immediacy of the ongoing therapy session" (James, 2003). "The therapist must be supportive and empathetic, yet strong, objective, ...

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