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Please help with the following problems.

1. A car starts from rest and reaches a speed of 31m/s in 2 seconds. Calculate its acceleration, if this value stays the same then what it the speed 7 seconds later?

2. A ball is thrown off a very tall building with a velocity of 16 m/s. What is the speed of the ball after 1.1 second. Remember that the ball falls with an acceleration of 9.8m/s2 towards the earth.

3. A child's cubic play block has a mass of 76g and sides of 9cm. What is the density of the block? Will the block sink or float?

4. A 33 kg girl who is running at 3m/s jumps on a 12kg stationary sled on a frozen lake. How fast does the sled with the girl then move?

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This posting helps with four problems about mechanics.A step by step solution for each is provided.

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1. By definition acceleration a = Change in velocity/Time = 31/2 = 15.5 m/s2

7 sec later means 9 sec from the start. Applying v = u + at and noting that initial velocity is zero, we get : v = 0 + 15.5x9 = 139.5 ...

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