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Parallel rays on a plane mirror

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A plane mirror is placed in front of a multiple ray projector so that the central ray is back upon itself. The other rays are adjusted so they are also reflected back on themselves. In this way, all 5 rays are parallel.

A concave mirror is placed in the path of the rays so that the central ray is again reflected back upon itself.

-Do the other 4 rays meet in one spot? If not, why?

-If the mirror is tilted so the central ray is reflected off at an angle, what happens?

-If the mirror is turned around so the convex side faces the ray projector, and the central ray is reflected back upon itself, do the other 4 rays meet in one spot?

-If the convex mirror is tilted so the central ray is reflected off at an angle, what happens? Do the extensions of the rays meet behind the mirror?

Do the outer rays have a smaller or larger focal length than the inner rays?

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The solution examines parallel rays on a plane mirror. The convex mirror is examined.

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