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Organized Crime

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In what ways can politicians and organized crime benefit from having a relationship with each other? Who benefits more from the relationship?

Of the following which would be most effective to combat Organized Crime?
Community Education, Increased Police Presence, Harsher Punishment for Offenders?

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This solution discusses the manner in which politicians and organized crime join hands and the benefits that accrue to each.

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In what ways can politicians and organized crime benefit from having a relationship with each other. who benefits more from the relationship.?
Historically, politicians have acted as the chief organizers of and profit-takers from crime. Politicians can give leasing contracts to organized crime, provide guns and ammunition, municipal contracts of different types, provide transport or vehicles, including boats and airplanes for criminal activities, use of government property for storage of contraband, protection from police action and even shield organized crime from federal investigation agencies.
In my opinion, even though ...

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