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comparison between the characters of Julius Caesar and Lord of the Flies

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These tasks are achieved:

Compare the qualities of Ralph of Lord of the Flies to Mark Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius Caesar of "Julius Caesar"

Compare the qualities of Jack of lord of the flies to Brutus and the conspirators of Julius caesar.

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This job offers a comparison between the characters of Julius Caesar and Lord of the Flies.

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The most prominent characters you are dealing with are Ralph and Brutus; Antony, Lepidus, and Octavius are minor by comparison.
<br>Below are the basic qualities of each of your characters; however, you will likely wish to delve further into each of their traits as you formulate the thesis of your essay.
<br>RALPH is the protagonist of Lord of the Flies. Ralph is elected the leader of a group of boys who are marooned on an island, and he attempts to coordinate the group's efforts to build a miniature civilization there. Ralph represents the civilizing instinct within human beings; the antithesis of this is the savage instinct symbolized by Jack, another of the ...

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