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Merger gains, Mergers and P/E Ratios, Stock vs. Cash Offers

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6. Merger Gains. Acquiring Corp. is considering a takeover of Takeover Target Inc. Acquiring has 10 million shares outstanding, which sell for $40 each. Takeover Target has 5 million shares outstanding, which sell for $20 each. If the merger gains are estimated at $25 million, what is the highest price per share that Acquiring should be willing to pay to Takeover Target shareholders?

7. Mergers and P/E Ratios. If Acquiring Corp. from Problem 6 has a price-earnings ratio of 12 and Takeover Target has a P/E ratio of 8, what should be the P/E ratio of the merged firm? Assume in this case that the merger is financed by an issue of new Acquiring Corp. shares. Takeover Target will get one Acquiring share for every two Takeover Target shares held.

Problem #8 is for reference only- to solve problem 9
8. Merger Gains and Costs. Velcro Saddles is contemplating the acquisition of Pogo Ski Sticks, Inc. The values of the two companies as separate entities are $20 million and $10 million, respectively. Velcro Saddles estimates that by combining the two companies, it will reduce marketing and administrative costs by $500,000 per year in perpetuity. Velcro Saddles is willing to pay $14 million cash for Pogo. The opportunity cost of capital is 8 percent.
1. What is the gain from merger?
2. What is the cost of the cash offer?
3. What is the NPV of the acquisition under the cash offer?

9. Stock versus Cash Offers. Suppose that instead of making a cash offer as in Problem 8, Velcro Saddles considers offering Pogo shareholders a 50 percent holding in Velcro Saddles.
1. What is the value of the stock in the merged company held by the original Pogo shareholders?
2. What is the cost of the stock alternative?
3. What is its NPV under the stock offer?

10. Merger Gains. Immense Appetite, Inc., believes that it can acquire Sleepy Industries and improve efficiency to the extent that the market value of Sleepy will increase by $5 million. Sleepy currently sells for $20 a share, and there are 1 million shares outstanding.
1. Sleepy's management is willing to accept a cash offer of $25 a share. Can the merger be accomplished on a friendly basis?
2. What will happen if Sleepy's management holds out for an offer of $28 a share?

****Note***** : I would like to see all calculations (either written out in Word or with Excel formulas).

Please advise,

Thank you,

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The total value of the merger is the market value of Target plus the value of the merger.

Target Market Value = Ps x No. of shares = =$20 x 5,000,000 = $100,000,000

The total with the additional value is therefore $125 million. The number of shares purchased is 5 million, giving us a share price of $25 per share. This is the most that should be offered.

7. Mergers and P/E Ratios. If Acquiring Corp. from Problem 6 has a price-earnings ratio of 12 and Takeover Target has a P/E ratio of 8, what should be the P/E ratio of the merged ...

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