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Meteorology using a map

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Using the attached map, can you help answer the following questions?
5) Using the 500 mb map. Locate the trough(s) and ridge(s).
9) Where across the US is there enough moisture to sustain severe weather?
10) Using the wind map, is there a boundary in the central part of the U.S. If so, where is it located?
22) Given the answers from the previous questions, where would you expect severe weather to occur? Be specific, include the states and where in the state you would expect this weather.
27) Why is wind shear important to severe thunderstorms?

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Meteorology of using a Map is examined across the United States. Why the wind is shear important to severe thunderstorms are determined.

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5) Using the 500 mb map. Locate the trough(s) and ridge(s).
A trough of low pressure that contains significant weather phenomena (such as precipitation and distinct wind shifts) may be identified on the map by a thick brown dashed line running along the axis of the trough. On some maps this trough line may have the abbreviation, "TROF". When the height contours bend strongly to the south it is called a TROUGH. Strong troughs are typically preceded by stormy weather and colder air at the surface. When the height contours bend strongly to the north this is known as a RIDGE. Strong ridges are associated with warm and dry weather conditions at the surface. I have illustrates where the trough and ridge on the 500 mb map are below.

9) Where across the US is there enough moisture to sustain severe weather?
Thunderstorms and severe weather are associated with low pressure system. Also, the dew point ...

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