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Evaluating Cash Flows

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ZumBahlen Inc. is considering the following mutually exclusive projects:

Year Project A
Cash Flow Project B
Cash Flow
0 -$5,000 -$5,000
1 200 3,000
2 800 3,000
3 3,000 800
4 5,000 200

At what cost of capital will the net present value of the two projects be the same? (That is, what is the "crossover" rate?)

A. 15.68%
B. 16.15%
C. 16.74%
D. 17.33%
E. 17.80%

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Solution Summary

The expert examines evaluating cash flows.

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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  • "Your explanation to the answers were very helpful."
  • "What does 1 and 0 means in the repair column?"
  • "Went through all of the formulas, excellent work! This really helped me!"
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  • "Thank you, this helped a lot. I was not sure how to plug in those numbers to a formula. This was a great help. Now I have to figure out how to explain cost of capital is used in net present value analysis, and how cost of capital is used in net present value analysis. This stuff gets confusing."
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