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What is Irvington's return on common stockholders' equity for 2005, rounded to the nearest percentage point?

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Selected information for Irvington Company is as follows:

December 31
2004 2005
Preferred stock, 8%, par $100 $125,000 $125,000
Common stock 300,000 400,000
Retained earnings 75,000 185,000
Dividends paid on preferred stock 10,000 10,000
Net income 60,000 120,000

What is Irvington's return on common stockholders' equity for 2005, rounded to the nearest percentage point?

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This solution provides a good example at how to calculate the return on common stockholder's equity using selected information given in the question.

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** Please see the attached file for the complete solution response **

Selected information for Irvington Company is as follows:

December 31

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Ain Shams University, Cairo Egypt
  • MBA, California State University, Sacramento
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