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What are the costs assigned using Average Cost, FIFO and LIFO?

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Compute the cost to be assigned to ending inventory for each of the methods indicated, given the following information about purchases and sales during the year (see attached).

a. Cost assigned on an average cost basis
b. Cost assigned on a FIFO basis
c. Cost assigned on a LIFO basis

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Solution Summary

This solution provides calculations of the inventory costs assigned in an attached Excel file.

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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  • "Thank you, this helped a lot. I was not sure how to plug in those numbers to a formula. This was a great help. Now I have to figure out how to explain cost of capital is used in net present value analysis, and how cost of capital is used in net present value analysis. This stuff gets confusing."
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