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Foreign Exchange Pair

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1. Should foreign companies seeking to issue securities in the United States be required to disclose as much as U.S. companies issuing securities in the United States?
2. Foreign exchange rates are used to establish budgets and track actual performance. Of the various exchange rate combinations, which do you favor and why? Is your view the same when you add local inflation to the budgeting process?

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This solution explains issues relating to foreign companies seeking to raise capital in the US, and the foreign exchange pair that should be used for budgeting and tracking performance. The sources used are also included in the solution.

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Foreign companies seeking to issue securities in the United States should be required to disclose as much as US Companies issuing securities in the United States. Foreign companies who issue securities in the US want to raise capital in the US. The requirements to make disclosures have been developed to improve transparency so that investors can make an informed decision. There is no reason why foreign companies should be required to disclose less. Further, foreign companies compete with US companies for scarce capital. The US companies should be given a level playing ground when competing for US funds. The disclosures that US companies are required to make should also be required of foreign ...

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