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Income statement from master budget

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Please help me prepare a budget income statment using schedule A -F

schedule; a sales
oct nov dec jan feb mar apr
38000 25000 25000 62000 75000 38000 45000

schedule: b collections (per expected 60% same month, 30% net 30, 10% net 60
26300 47200 66100 51500 45900

schedual: c Purchases Budget
desired ending inventory 39050 6000 6000 25000 47500 (from 1/1 purchasing adjusted
cogs 12500 31000 37500 19000 22500 to drop inventory levels to
total needed 51550 37000 43500 44000 70000 6000 then purchases equal sales
beginning 16000 39050 8050 6000 25000 reached goal in march)
purchases 35550 0 35450 38000 45000

schedual: d Disbursements for Purchases
50% last 17775 0 17725 19000
50% current 0 17725 19000 22500
total 17775 17725 36725 41500

schedual: e Wages and Expense Budget
wages 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000
misc. expenses 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
insurance expired 125 125 125 125 125
depreciation 250 250 250 250 250
rent 1750 5450 6750 3050 3750
total expenses 19625 23325 24625 20925 21625

schedual: f Disbursments for operating expenses
wages 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000
misc 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500
rent 1750 5450 6750 3050 3750
total 19250 22950 24250 20550 21250

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Solution Summary

The solution explains how to make a budgeted income statement given the various budgets in the master budget

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The budget income statement is attached.

Schedule a is used for sales ...

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