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Interest Coverage Ratio & Examples

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Mi Furst, Inc., has $100 million of earnings before interest and taxes, and $40 million of interest expense.

Compute the following:
a.Calculate Mi Furst's interest coverage ratio.

b.Calculate the pro forma interest coverage ratio assuming the issuance of $100 million of 10% debt with the issue proceeds to be invested fully in a plant under construction.

c.Calculate the pro forma interest coverage ratio assuming the issuance of $100 million of 10% debt with the proceeds to be invested temporarily in commercial paper that yields 8%.

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In about 130 words, this solution computes the interest coverage ratio and the pro forma interest coverage ratio for the examples in question. All calculations and formulas are provided.

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Interest Coverage Ratio = Earning Before Interest & Taxes(EBIT)/Interest Expense


a) Mi Furst Interest Coverage Ratio = 100/40 = 2.5 times when EBIT=100m and interest = 40m. ...

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