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Trading problem

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How would you respond to Mr. Helzner? Use concept of market's behavior. Is this evidence of inaccurate price discovery? Are there market structure enhancements that could address Mr. Helzner's concerns? See the picture for a chart of RMI's stock price around this event.

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Trading problem

How would you respond to Mr. Helzner? Use concept of market's behavior. Is this evidence of inaccurate price discovery? Are there market structure enhancements that could address Mr. Helzner's concerns? See the picture for a chart of RMI's stock price around this event.

Market behavior is dependent on the behavior of the investors. They may for the time being swing the prices away from the long run trend of the prices. This may occur because of several reasons. For instance there may be excessive pessimism as it happened in the case of RMI that may push the prices unduly low or excessive optimism that may push the ...

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