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Investment decision

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Brian Hotel is interesting a new hotel in Korea. The company estimates that would require an initial investment of $20 million. Brian Hotel expects that the hotel will produce positive cash flows of $3 million a year at the end of each of the next 20 years. The project's cost of capital is 13%.

What is the net present value?

While Brian expects the cash flows to be $3 million a year, it recognizes that the cash flows could, in fact, be much higher or lower, depending on whether the Korean government imposes a large hotel tax. One year from now, Brian will know whether the tax will be imposed. There is a 50% chance that the tax will be imposed, in which case the yearly cash flows will be only $2.2 million. At the same time, there is a 50% chance that the tax will not be imposed, in which case the yearly cash flows will be
$3.8 million. Brian is deciding whether to proceed with the hotel today or to wait 1 year to find out whether the tax will be imposed. If Brian waits a year, the initial investment will remain at $20 million. Assume that all cash flows are discounted at 13%.

Using decision tree analysis, should Brian proceed with the project today or should it wait a year before deciding?

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Solution Summary

The solution explains how to calculate the NPV of the project and also to decide if it is better to wait for an year before investment

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